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sharc board connected to the host interface...

the host interface is a celoxica rc 10 fpga board with vga output, keyboard input and much of other stuff... the host interface is like a shell ... means i can type stuff on the keyboard to upload and debug the sharc code... nice is that i don't need to code in vhdl the fpga board or better the ide/compiler is able to compile c sources

screen output from the host interface

the first self made sharc board... just for testing and to develop the new host interface

did some photos during i build up the dsp board... beside this i'll give some pcb making and smd soldering tips...

click on the picture to get to the page...

the old host interface.... this was the first test if i understood the host interface from the sharc...

as you can see this one was done with an a bit cpu for the 21061 sharc dsp... but i skipped it in an early state... that 8 bit stuff is just too stressy ;)

well this has not much todo with the project...my favourite beer...just to show you:

the guy behind the project...as you can see i'm looking very competent ;)